Opponent - Click name for results | USATT # | Rating | Format | Event - Click event for draws and results | Scores |
Lina Ma | 1184714 | 1206 | RR | U1500 Adult | -5,10,10,4 | Gail Kendall | 46331 | 822 | RR | U1400 Adult | 7,5,9 | Elijah Reidt | 1165117 | 1233 | RR | U1300 Adult | -7,8,7,9 | Runtian Li | 264741 | 1223 | RR | U1200 Adult | -9,10,10,5 | Andrew Blevens | 1157449 | 838 | RR | U1000 Adult | 9,6,3 | Gopal Rangdal | 267187 | 0 | RR | U1000 Adult | 2,8,3 | Lei Qiu | 284187 | 0 | RR | U1000 Adult | 8,7,2 | Kevin Alexander | 231503 | 1197 | RR | U1600 Adult | 9,9,7 |
LossesOpponent - Click name for results | USATT # | Rating | Format | Event - Click event for draws and results | Scores |
Kartikaya Pershad | 275929 | 1457 | RR | U1500 Adult | 6,6,-8,10 | Wayne Griffin | 203245 | 1335 | RR | U1500 Adult | 7,6,7 | Jim Havens | 221992 | 1334 | RR | U1400 Adult | 9,-8,9,9 | Tristan Myrick | 277359 | 1218 | RR | U1400 Adult | 3,7,8 | Zachary Hendrickson | 272548 | 1234 | RR | U1300 Adult | 10,5,-9,7 | Steve Tsao | 280607 | 850 | RR | U1200 Adult | -7,9,8,5 | Spencer Tang | 229780 | 822 | SE | U1000 Adult-Quarters | 7,9,7 | Yosef Lender | 1175981 | 1440 | RR | U1600 Adult | 9,7,9 |