Opponent - Click name for results | USATT # | Rating | Format | Event - Click event for draws and results | Scores |
Anup Dholam | 217519 | 1807 | RR | Men's 50+ Singles | 9,3,5 | Hau Lam | 37020 | 1931 | RR | U2200 | -7,7,-7,8,3 | Patrick Smith | 277519 | 1521 | RR | U2000 Adult | 3,7,9 | Yang Hua | 91872 | 1734 | RR | U1900 Adult | 7,8,7 | Clinton Veach | 49321 | 1581 | RR | U1900 Adult | 6,9,4 | Rich Larrumbide | 1165461 | 1413 | RR | U1900 Adult | 7,5,-9,7 | Hongxi Lin | 275739 | 1388 | SE | U1900 Adult-Prelims | 8,4,6 | Jack Lynch | 1181160 | 1240 | RR | 30 & Over Men's Singles | 5,1,5 |
LossesOpponent - Click name for results | USATT # | Rating | Format | Event - Click event for draws and results | Scores |
Winston Wang | 22286 | 2195 | RR | Men's 40+ Singles | 2,1,4 | Thomas Yost | 14987 | 2050 | RR | Men's 40+ Singles | -7,7,9,-10,8 | Manoj Pathak | 14730 | 1757 | RR | Men's 40+ Singles | -6,-6,9,10,2 | Jimmy Butler | 4594 | 2548 | RR | Men's 50+ Singles | 1,8,9 | Priya Venkateraman | 1171128 | 2134 | RR | U2200 | 5,8,6 | Disha Bhattacharyya | 272737 | 1618 | RR | U2200 | -6,5,-8,9,7 | Timothy Cudjoe | 1174103 | 1902 | RR | U2000 Adult | 7,9,-14,7 | Kathiravan Tamilvanan | 203231 | 1657 | RR | U2000 Adult | 9,-6,9,7 | David Fernandez | 57949 | 2256 | RR | 30 & Over Men's Singles | -12,3,3,5 | Brad Letourneau | 94133 | 1918 | RR | 30 & Over Men's Singles | 9,9,8 |