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2021 US Open Table Tennis Championships


Jason Louie

Opponent - Click name for resultsUSATT #RatingFormatEvent - Click event for draws and resultsScores
Shengming Liang2725840RRU-19 Boy's Singles-10,5,8,7
Airam J. Santiago11324142035RRU-15 Boy's Singles-5,6,12,7
Anirudh Bhat250080501RRU-15 Boy's Singles9,7,15
Emiliia Panova2152741936RRU-2000 Junior RR7,-8,9,9
Jinhao Lee11724431697RRU-2000 Junior RR-8,6,5,6
Aurora González11737620RRU-2000 Junior RR-10,7,10,12
Yuvi Gill1165413685SEU-15 Boy's Team-3rd/4th6,7,11

Opponent - Click name for resultsUSATT #RatingFormatEvent - Click event for draws and resultsScores
Sushant Lebaka2208092275RRU-19 Boy's Singles-9,-9,8,7,3
Changbo Lu2023652248RRU-19 Boy's Singles5,6,9
Joakim Desmeules11324312226RRU-17 Boy's Singles6,12,7
Ethan Liu917562213RRU-17 Boy's Singles6,11,6
Stephen Liu11737700RRU-17 Boy's Singles11,8,8
Krish Gandhi2029902268RRU-15 Boy's Singles7,9,-1,7
Ryan Cuadro Perez11711581916SEU-2000 Junior SE-Prelims17,-8,-12,5,6
Andrew Cao2119822336SEU-15 Boy's Team-3rd/4th5,9,6